Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Time For Action

It is with a heavy heart that I write this today. Senator Ted Kennedy died early this morning. When I first got into politics I started reading a lot about the top politicians of my childhood. When I started asking questions about Kennedy my parents told me he was too liberal. When I asked about Ronald Reagan my father told me to read more on Kennedy.
The one thing I have always admired about Kennedy was his capacity to help people. He didn’t let others deter him from what he believed to his core was a necessary obligation of a politician to help those in need. I see the world the same way.
I’ve been trumpeting the health care reform bill for several months now. I’ve listened to many concerns and they still sound like an excuse not to help those in need. This is what I’ve learned this week from people.
1. We can’t afford a trillion dollars for health care reform.
2. Medicare is a mess.
3. The government shouldn’t compete with businesses.

Here is my response to each of these.
1. We spent three trillion to go to war that proved to be an unjust cause. We killed people, had our own brought home in body bags, and tanked an economy so a president could avenge his father. Yet, we don’t want to spend money to help people?
2. Medicare is a mess? Really? Ask any senior citizen who uses it how much it helps them. In fact, take it a step farther and try and take it away from them. You will have the biggest fight on your hands. It helps people. Plain and simple.
3. The government isn’t competing with the health care industry! They are not going to build hospitals and hire doctors and pay for your insurance. Instead, they will set up a policy to help pay for care. You will still have a choice as to which doctor you visit. Why is this so hard for people to understand?

Here is a number that is staggering to me. I always heard the health care industry was the largest special interest group in Washington. Would you like to know how large? For every single elected politician in Congress there are six health care industry representatives. That’s right. They outnumber our politicians 6 to 1!! This is how serious the health care industry wants to keep things the way they are. They don’t want change.
Now, here’s where it gets a little interesting for me. As much as the health care industry, especially the insurance companies, doesn’t want things to change, they are also gearing up for the change if it occurs. This is a three-pronged attack. They have their representatives on the frontlines protesting every town hall meeting. They also have their number crunchers and top execs working hard to figure out a way to make money off the plan if it is passed. At the same time they are also paying lawyers to file lawsuit after lawsuit as to the validity of this law.
I’m asking you right now. Is anything the health care industry is doing helping you? Do you honestly care if they are inconvenienced by a reform bill? I sure as hell don’t. I’m sick and tired of them hurting people with their greed. They don’t care about you!! They simply don’t care. They care about lining their pockets and if that means dropping you off your insurance because you’re a liability they will do it and not lose sleep over it. It’s wrong! Plain and simple. No rhetoric can mask what they’ve done.
So, in the spirit of Ted Kennedy, I continue to trumpet the cause of health care reform. This needs to happen now. Too many lives have been shattered and others have died because of the decisions of somebody in a board room who doesn’t care about people. It needs to stop!
I strongly encourage you to call your Senators and let them know there are others who also have a voice. We know the crazy people at the rally have their facts all screwed up and we know the bill will help us! If you don’t make it known they will only hear one side. Please call them and let your voice be heard.

Kit Bond: (202) 224-5721
Claire McCaskill: (202) 224-6154

And for those who live outside Missouri, please call your Senators. You can find them at the Senate directory. Here is the link:

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