Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Until We See Inequality We Will Not Solve It

Anyone who knows me knows I hate inequality. I don't understand it. I've never justified giving more to one person over another simply because I happen to agree with the beneficiary more than the one left in the cold. This is the case for gay marriage in my book.
I have many, many friends in my life. All of them mean something dear to me for various reasons. I seldom shut anyone out of my life. This includes gay people. I am an actor and a writer. I've had the pleasure of meeting and understanding the gay lifestyle for much of my life. I have to tell you, they are human!! Surprised? You shouldn't be. They are as human as you and I and they simply should have the same rights to marry as straight people.
Here's a few points I'd like to make:

1. For those who think gay people have as much rights as straight people, I give you this much to think about. If that statement were true they would have the right to marry. Maybe that's too obvious. Maybe that is too sensible and has too much logic. Maybe you need harder facts. Ok, how about a snippet from New York Governor David Paterson. He puts it this way: "'there is clearly a problem' when gays and lesbians in civil unions are denied 1,200 to 1,350 civil protections such as health care and pension rights because they're not married." Is that enough hard evidence?

2. I am often disappointed by people of color in this country who will not stand up for gay marriage. This country fought tooth and nail and gave up lives in order to recognize all people as being created equal regardless of skin. Yes, I feel we still have a ways to go for total equality, but why would anyone of color in this country not jump on the equality bandwagon when it relates to gay marriage? It feels very hypocritical to me. I may be a straight, white male, but I can assure you I see inequality when it happens and I have never sat idly by and let it happen. I fight!

3. What are people afraid of if gay people are allowed to marry? I've often joked that straight people would look like idiots if gay marriage has a higher success rate than straight marriages. Oh, Lord, what would Jesus say to that one? I kid, of course, but there is some truth in it. Bible beaters have been preaching justified hate saying gay people are not normal and are breaking the laws of God. Really? I thought we were all created in God's image? Or did they decide to skip that part of the Bible? Wouldn't it be something if gay marriage turned out to be more successful? What would the religious haters have to do next? I'm sure they'll think of something.

I've seen a lot of beauty in this world. I've seen gay friends of mine create that beauty through their love and understanding. I will not quit until every last one of them has the same rights as everyone else. It's simply wrong, plain and simple.

Opening the door

I'll make this one quick so you can get back to your normal life. I decided I need a place to vent and produce ideas about the world. Since blogging has been popular for a while now, I will act like Chris Columbus and say "I just discovered it." Maybe they'll name a holiday after me next.
What will you see when you read my blogs? You will learn how I view the world. I'll warn all of you right now I am a very liberal and open-minded person. I don't judge people, but I will criticize the people who piss me off with their arrogance or stupidity. Let's be honest, there are simply too many people in the world who have no idea what true life is about. They hate others because they don't understand them. They pass laws to help family and friends, yet have never shaken hands with factory workers or maintenance men. They spout off rhetoric about women as if any male on this planet understands females. You'll get the idea once I get going.
I will also write about movies, sports, my children, puppy dogs, rainbows, and bubble gum. I don't want to make it a complete political manifesto. I want some light-hearted items. From time to time I may even post a poem or two or a play review. You never really know with me. Stay tuned.